Procedure/Procedural Text, Teks Prosedur, adalah teks yang berisi prosedur, instruksi, proses, cara, atau langkah-langkah dalam membuat/melakukan (mengoperasikan) sesuatu.
Ciri-ciri Procedure Text:
1. Struktur umumnya (generic structure) terdiri dari:
Goal/Aim: tujuan dan maksud isi teks. Contoh: How to make sandwich…
Material/Tool: bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu. Contoh: The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. Fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, ….
Steps/Procedures: langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat sesuatu. Contoh: First, take two slides of bread and …
2. Menggunakan tenses “simple present”
3. Sering memakai kalimat Perintah (imperatives/orders). Contoh: Turn on the lamp, Put the rice into the rice cooker, Don’t forget to press the ‘on’ button, …
4. Kata-kata urutan (sequences). Contoh: first, second, then, next, the last, finally…
Ice Tea Recipe
The very thought of Ice Tea — in summers — refreshes the mind. Ice Tea is not only healthy, but also an absolutely refreshing drink. Ice Tea is liked by people of all ages due to its refreshing and appetizing properties. Often we rely on sachets available in the markets to make Ice Tea. But you would be surprised to know that Ice Tea can be easily made at home. Moreover, homemade Iced Tea is healthier as it doesn't contain any kind of additives. So, without any delay, check out this easy recipe of Ice Tea and refresh your guests this season.
- 8 Tea Bags
- Ice Cubes
- Lemon Slices
- Water
- Fine Sugar (optional)
- In a large saucepan, bring 4 cups of cold water to a boil.
- Remove water from heat and add tea bags. Cover and let it stand 5 minutes.
- Remove tea bags and pour the water into a pitcher.
- Add 4 cups of cold water to the pitcher and stir.
- Add sugar and lemon according to taste.
- Add ice cubes and stir well.
- Ice Tea is ready to serve.
fried rice
Things needed to make a fried rice
- White Rice that's previously been cooked
- Garlic
- Egg
- Black Pepper
- Salt
- Shrimp,Chicken,and/or pork/tofu(optional)
step 1 : Add oil and heat up the pan.
step 2 : Toss the garlic and shallot to the pan until it's half cooked.
step 3 : Pour the egg that already been mixed with salt and pepper.
step 4 : Put in the rice that's previously been cooked
step 5: Give salt, black pepper, sweet soy sauce, salty soy sauce
step 6: Mix thoroughly
step 7: Toss the shrimp or chicken or pork or tofu (optional)
step 8: Mix it again.
step 9: Move it to serving plate and garnish it with cucumber, tomato, and fried shallot
step 10: Eat it with joy and happiness
avocado juice
This is an example of procedure text
· Make an avocado juice
· 1 avocado
· A half glass of water
· Some sugar
· Several ice cubes
1. First, spoon out avocado pulp and place in blender.
2. Then, add a half glass of water.
3. Add enough sugar.
4. Mix it or blend it.
5. Pour the juice in a tall glass.
6. Finally add several ice cubes.
7. The avocado juice is ready to serveBanana Pudding with Vanilla Wafers
- 4 ripe bananas
- Milk - 2 cups
- 4 egg yolks
- Sugar - 1 cup
- All-purpose flour - ½ cup
- Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
- A pinch of salt
- Butter - 1 tablespoon
- Vanilla wafers
- 4 egg whites
- Sugar - 4 tablespoons
- Vanilla extract - ½ teaspoon
- Cream of tartar - ¼ teaspoon
Start by preheating the oven to 375°F. Take a baking dish and add a layer to vanilla wafers. Take a bowl and add flour, sugar and salt. Mix well and keep it aside. Use a heavy-bottomed saucepan and beat egg yolks. You must make sure that you beat them well. On a medium flame, combine the egg yolks and the flour mixture. Now add milk and vanilla extract to it. Stir it well. As the mixture starts boiling and starts becoming thick, add butter and keep stirring. When you see it getting the desired pudding consistency, remove it from the flame. Now you need to peel the ripe bananas into round pieces. Add a layer of these banana slices on top of the vanilla wafers. Add half of the pudding on top of the wafers and banana slices. Top it with a layer of vanilla wafers again, then add another layer of bananas and cover with the rest of the pudding. As for the meringue, beat the egg whites till they form soft peaks and add cream of tartar and sugar and beat for some more time. Then fold vanilla into it. Spread this over the pudding. Put it in the preheated oven and bake for about 15 minutes. Your banana pudding is ready!
Sup Buntut Asam Manis
1 / 2 kg oxtail
3 pieces of green chillies, cut oblique
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon vinegar
2 teaspoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons bottled chili
1 tomato, cut into 4 parts
200 ml water
Spices that are:
1 piece of red onion
3 cloves garlic
2 cm ginger
1 tablespoon brown sugar
How to make Sup Buntut Asam Manis
1. Boil oxtail until tender, set aside.
2. Stir fry ground ingredients until fragrant.
3. Enter the other ingredients.
4. Enter the oxtail.
5. Use low heat, cook until water is absorbed.
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